Privacy Policy

Learn about the choices you have with the data we gather, how we use it, and when we disclose it on this page. It’s all about our rules and how you use our Service.

To offer and enhance the Service, we utilise the data you supply. Your continued use of the Service indicates your consent to the data gathering and use practices described herein. Any term not defined below shall have the same meaning as in our Terms and Conditions, which can be viewed at

Gathering and Applying Data

In order to deliver and enhance our Service, we gather various sorts of information for different purposes.

Data Types Gathered

Private Information

When you use our Service, we may request that you supply us with some personally identifying information (“Personal Data”). Some examples of personally identifiable information are:

Postal code

My name, first and last
Ads and How They Work Data Use Information

The way the Service is accessed and utilised is another type of information that we may gather (“Usage Data”). Your computer’s Internet Protocol address (e.g., IP address), browser type and version, the pages you view on our Service, the time and date of your visit, the amount of time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers, and other diagnostic data may all be part of this Usage Data.

Cookie and Tracking Information

In order to keep tabs on what users are doing while using our Service, we employ cookies and other similar tracking technologies.

Cookies are little text files that may carry a unique identifier that is not personally identifiable. A website may send a “cookie” to your browser, which then stores the cookie on your device. In order to gather information, analyse it, and make improvements to our service, we also employ tracking technologies such as beacons, tags, and scripts.

You have the option to tell your browser to either notify you when a cookie is being sent or to reject all cookies. Nevertheless, you might miss out on some features of our Service if you choose not to accept cookies.

Here are some examples of cookies:

Nocturnal Data Files: The operation of our Service relies on Session Cookies.
Custom Cookie Sets. Preference Cookies are used to keep track of your settings and preferences.

Cookie Security: For reasons of security, we employ Security Cookies.
Application of Information
Among the many uses for the data collected by are:

In order to run the Service: So that you are aware of any updates to our Service.
Whenever you’re ready, let you take part in our Service’s interactive features.
In order to offer assistance and care to clients.
In order to make the Service better, could you please provide some analysis or helpful information?

For the purpose of keeping tabs on how often people use the Service
Identifying, preventing, and fixing technological problems.

Data Transmission

Information about you, including personally identifiable information (PII), may be stored and processed on servers situated in a country or territory with data protection regulations that are different from your own.

It is important to know that we transport and process data, including personal data, in India, even if you are not situated there.

You are agreeing to that transfer when you submit such information after first consenting to our Privacy Policy.

No transfer of your personal data will occur to a third party or overseas location unless Justalternativeto has implemented appropriate safeguards to protect your data and other personal information, and we will take all reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorised access, disclosure, or destruction of your data.

Legal Obligations Regarding Data Disclosure

We at Justalternativeto may share your personal information if we reasonably believe that doing so is required to:

  • To meet a requirement set down by law
  • In order to safeguard and defend Justalternativeto’s rights or property,
  • Identify and address any potential issues related to the Service
  • So that the public and Service users may be safe
  • As a safeguard against potential legal action

Data Security

While we take every precaution to ensure that your information is safe while in transit or stored electronically, please be aware that no technique is completely secure. Although we make every effort to safeguard your Personal Data using industry-standard procedures, we cannot ensure its complete security.

Vendors of Services

Businesses and persons outside of our organisation (collectively referred to as “Service Providers”) may help us run our business, offer our Service, handle maintenance and repairs, or compile data about our users’ actions on our behalf.

Our third-party service providers are required to keep your personal information confidential and will only use it to carry out the activities assigned to them by us.

Data analysis

In order to track and analyse how our Service is being used, we might bring in outside Service Providers.

One online analytics service that Google offers is Google Analytics, which monitors and reports on website traffic. Google keeps tabs on how our Service is being used with the help of the data that is gathered. Google shares this information with its other services. Ads within Google’s own advertising network may be contextualised and made more personalised with the usage of the data acquired.

Installing the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on will allow you to opt-out of having your activity on the Service made available to Google Analytics. You can stop the Google Analytics JavaScript files (ga.js, analytics.js, and dc.js) from sending data about your site’s visitors to Google Analytics with this add-on.

Sites That Link To

Links on our Service may take you away from our site and into sites that we do not control. A third party’s website will load when you click on their link. You should read the privacy policies of every website you visit.

The information, privacy policies, and practices of any third-party sites or services are completely outside our control and accountability.

Privacy for Children

Anyone using our Service who is a minor (“Children”).

We take precautions to ensure that no one under the age of 18 has their personally identifiable information collected. Please get in touch with us if you are a parent or legal guardian and learn that your child has supplied us with personal information. We will delete any information pertaining to children from our servers as soon as we learn that it was gathered without their parents’ consent.

Modifications to This Data Policy

Our Privacy Policy is subject to change at any moment. If our Privacy Policy is ever revised, we will provide you with advance notice by publishing the revised version here.

Before a change takes effect, we will notify you via email and/or a conspicuous notice on our Service and amend the “effective date” at the top of this Privacy Policy.

Please check back with us from time to time to see whether our Privacy Policy has been updated. When we update this page, any changes to our privacy policy will be effective immediately.


[email protected]