How to Deploy EVM-Compatible Smart Contracts on Moonbeam

If you’re a developer who wants to create applications and launch them on more than one blockchain network at the same time, the best option is Moonbeam as it enables EVM smart contracts. Instead of staying with a handful of chains, unleash your true potential by joining new chains. Moonbeam isn’t just about EVM implementation, it is much more than that. It is a layer 1 chain that contains various features of Ethereum such as accounts, logs, keys, Web3 RPC, subscriptions, etc. Polkadot and Moonbeam go hand-in-hand and you can launch multi-chain apps on Polkadot effortlessly.

Why use Moonbeam?

Asking why to use Moonbeam to deploy smart contracts while other options are available is normal. To help you understand why Moonbeam is better, below are its benefits.

  • If you have followed all the rules while writing a smart contract, you don’t have to make any changes to them before deploying them on Moonbeam.
  • It supports various smart contract languages such as Vyper and Solidity, etc. These languages compile to EVM bytecode.
  • With Moonbeam, you don’t have to learn anything new as all the available Ethereum-based tools will work.
  • Learn from other developers by becoming a part of the developer community to share your ideas with them.

How to Deploy EVM Smart Contracts?

If you’re new to Moonbeam and don’t know how can you create and deploy EVM smart contracts, this guide is for you.

Create a Node

The first step is to create a local node using Moonbeam. This is important because you will be using this node to test the smart contracts and debug them before launching them.

Test the Node

Once you have created a smart contract, Moonbeam features a shared environment where you can test them. The benefit of using Moonbeam over other platforms is that you don’t have to run your network or nodes. By testing, you can make sure that it is working perfectly well with other tools on the network as well as with other DApps.


Execute your smart contracts with the help of Block Explorer. You will also have to choose the MainNet Deployment destination at this step. Moonbeam and Moonriver are available for deployment. Moonbeam is an Ethereum-based platform on Polkadot while Moonriver is a canary network on Kusama.

Establish connections

To interact with a substrate-based node, you will have to use substrate tools. You will have to connect Polkadot.js apps with a local Moonbeam Node. The next step is to connect nodes with the RPC endpoints of a network. HTTPs and WSS are the two RPC endpoints available for Moonriver, Moonbeam, and Moonbase Alpha. Next, you have to configure MetaMask in as so it can be connected with Moonriver, Moonbeam, Moonbeam development Node, Moonbase Alpha TestNet, etc. Once you run the node on Moonbeam, it will synchronize with a boot node and get local access to HTTPS and WSS RPC endpoints. Access to all the author bocks on the current para chain will also be provided to them.

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