Guest Post Submissions

Your interest in making a donation to is much appreciated. The following are the rules for guest posts:

Quality of Content: We want unique, well-written articles that shed light on alternative technology goods. Stay away from ads.

Relevance to Topic: Pay close attention to subjects about alternative technology items such as computers, software, apps, and gadgets.

Length: Your post should include at least 800 words.

Formatting: Make your writing easier to read by using simple language, headings, and bullet points.

Include appropriate attribution with high-quality, relevant photos.

In order to ensure that your submission is of high quality and relevant, our professionals will examine it.

Prepare your piece and send it to [email protected] in a Word or Google Docs.

We may make formatting and clarity changes to submitted work at our discretion. You can’t republish posts after they’ve been published.

Your contributions are much anticipated.