15 Sites Like TestRail

With TestRail, software developers from all over the world can manage the testing of their projects from a central location. It works in any modern web browser and has a friendly user interface that makes testing more fun for teams. You can install the program on your server or buy hosting from the platform.

It makes functional, automated, and exploratory testing more accessible, and groups of any size can use it. One thing that stands out is that it has a dashboard that makes it easy for team members to keep track of ongoing projects by giving them quick access to key project data like milestones, historical results, and test runs. It provides a comprehensive test case management module that facilitates testing of an application’s functionality in relation to specified criteria.

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  • Access controls/permissions
  • Parameterized testing
  • Project management
  • Customizable fields
  • Requirements management
  • Projections

Alternatives to TestRail

    1: QMetry


    QMetry is a cutting-edge test management platform that may be able to help you with all of these problems and more, depending on what your company wants to achieve. QMetry frees testing teams from downloading new tools, understanding novel procedures, and spending time creating reports so they can focus on completing tests using their most successful methodology. QMetry also has version control, which keeps track of all changes, additions, and deletions to give a complete picture of how the testing…

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    2: TestLink


    TestLink is a free and open-source web-based platform for delivering test management services that help ensure software quality. The program promotes using all the most up-to-date tools that make testing safe and effective. This platform gives users an extensive knowledge base and instructions to help them learn how to put them to use. Since Testlink has a protected file extension, you don’t need to download anything. With this tool, you can create and manage test cases, test suites, test plans,…

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    3: Tricentis-qTest


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    Tricentis qTest offers a unified test management system for the most openness. It’s the fastest and safest way to spread software. It helps you keep track of and manage your software testing tasks from the beginning to the end. With this system, it’s easy for teams to work together to ship quickly and safely, and testing can be merged, managed, and scaled up or down across the whole organization. It makes software testing automation easier, speeds up releases, and makes…

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    4: Qase


    Qase is an environment that lets you run both scripted and unscripted tests simultaneously. The software solution helps QA and development teams get the most out of their software testing. The fact that thousands of teams worldwide use it shows how well-known and reliable it is. Managing test cases makes it easy to track and handle each case. With the help of the test cases’ detailed highlights, you can change the test cases’ severity, priority, and detail post-conditions and the…

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    5: Meeshkan


    Meeshkan is a platform that creates and runs UI tests based on how your users act in production. It gives prospects a flawless product-led growth pipeline and reduces churn while you ship your best releases. Normal user interface tests take a long time to make, rely on educated guesses to decide which tests are most important, and become out of date quickly. Manual testing is also more accurate, but it is the least efficient way for developers to spend their…

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    6: Testiny


    Testiny is a free test management platform that is cutting-edge, high-speed, and very scalable. The ability to report or keep track of results makes it easier to find the most critical problems. Testiny’s unique value proposition goes beyond basic reporting to become a focused solution for small and medium-sized groups. The program is used to keep track of information about how testing is done. It’s a very modern way to write and edit test cases. Use this tool to make…

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    7: Test Collab

    Test Collab

    Test Collab is a cutting-edge Test Case Management and Test Management system that lets teams worldwide avoid software problems with simple quality assurance. The goal of the software is to help development teams do their testing jobs better and reduce the likelihood of issues. In addition, it gives you test intelligence that will help you stay on track and finish your assignment as quickly as possible. Everyone on the team will be able to access all of the data without…

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    8: Kiwi TCMS

    Kiwi TCMS

    The open-source Kiwi Test Case Management System (Kiwi TCMS) is the best way to manage tests, both those that are done by hand and those that are done automatically. Its features include a bug tracker, search pages, complex permission management, plugins for test automation frameworks, graphical reports, and an extensive API layer. The system aims to change the testing process to make it more streamlined, straightforward, and everyone’s job so that engineers can do better work and more people can…

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    9: SpiraTest

    SpiraTest (2)

    SpiraTest is a bug-tracking and management tool built for developing, editing, and running test cases for any website or application. It comes with strong, easy, and flexible tests that will help you find flaws quickly and easily. All kinds of manual and automated tests can be made and run from one central place. It also produces reports that you can use to see how your projects and tests are doing. Using automation engines like Rapise, Selenium, and Ranorex, even beginner…

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    10: Tuskr


    The Tuskr platform is a website that lets you manage and run tests. It allows you to plan and run tests and connect to other programs, such as those that keep track of bugs and how long they take to fix. Testing can be made better before it even begins, and the time difference between what was planned and what was done can be tracked. So, you can make the most of your resources in terms of efficiency and accountability.…

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    11: PractiTest


    PractiTest is the industry standard for managing quality assurance in Agile testing. It gives IT companies the tools to keep all communication levels open and transparent. Because users can change the platform to their liking and use its many advanced features, it’s easy to make manual tests and organize them by development cycles and sprints. It is one of the most appealing things about the platform. It also helps development teams manage and control testing procedures and gives upper-level management…

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    12: Testomatio


    Testomat.io is a management tool for both automated and manual testing. It has everything. It helps agile QA teams organize and plan how testing tasks will be done. Its primary characteristics are test automation, improved collaboration between technical and non-technical professionals, and reporting and transparency based on test analytics metrics for use by developers, operations engineers, quality assurance specialists, business analysts, and project managers. On the analytics dashboard, widgets show automation coverage, failures, flaky tests, the slowest tests, tests that…

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    13: Squash TM

    Squash TM

    The Squash TM test repository management solution is part of the open-source Squash toolkit. It allows the administration of requirements, test cases, and campaigns in a multi-project environment. This project employs open-source technologies to organize better and standardize functional testing. Everything from manual testing (a centralized repository for all test data) through available test automation to test data set management to certification body oversight is included (such as Software Quality and Third Party Application Service Desk). When you utilize Squash…

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    14: Kualitee


    Kualitee is a tool for managing tests based on requirements. It is used by testers, developers, and other team members. A dynamic dashboard shows information about ongoing projects and gives the user an overall view of everything. Members must log in before seeing the status page, the library of test cases and scenarios, and the database of reported bugs. The program has a vital section on Project Management that lets you manage projects in the way you think is best.…

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    15: TestBench CS

    TestBench CS

    TestBench CS is an innovative Test Management Tool that can help agile teams, their test managers, testers, developers, product owners, and other stakeholders. It makes it easier and faster for agile teams to plan, design, manage, run, and evaluate product tests. It could help teams keep up with the rapid development and short iterations common in agile software projects. Using the TestBench plugin Exploratory Testing, you can let your team participate in exploratory testing. The data-driven testing method makes it…

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